• Toshimaya

    Address :1-5-1 Sarugakucho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Phone :03 3293 9111 URL:  Toshimaya was established in 1596 along the Kanda/Kamakura riverbanks(the present-day Kandabashi region) just northeast of the Imperial Palace. At that time, Edo Castle was undergoing extensive reconstruction, and materials and supplies shipped by waterway were unloaded there. Amidst the crowd of workers and laborers that […]

  • Miyamoto Unosuke Co.,Ltd.

    Address :6-1-15 Asakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo Phone :03 3874 4131 URL:  Founded in 1861, for the past 145 years we have specialized in the manufacture of taiko drums and other musical instruments for festivals. Our store is located in Asakusa, in an area that used to abound in Kabuki theaters. Over the years Miyamoto Unosuke has […]

  • Yasuda shokeido

    Address :7-14-3 Ginza,Chuo-ku, Tokyo Phone :03 3542 5771 URL:  Yasuda Shokeido was founded in 1792, and specializes in Buddhist altars and related articles. A Buddhist altar, which is shaped like a cabinet with a door, is a place where the spirits of one’s ancestors are enshrined and is found in every home. Yasuda Shokeido is […]

  • Umezono

    Address :1-31-12 Asakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo Phone :03 3841 7580 URL:  Umezono opened its doors in 1854 as a tea house in one corner of Baion-in, which means “Plum Garden Pavilion”, on the grounds of Sensoji Temple in Asakusa. The name “Umezono” is the Japanese reading of the Chinese characters “Baion”, and also means “Plum Garden”. […]

  • Yagenbori Nakajima Shoten

    Address :1-28-3 Asakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo Phone :03 3626 7716 URL:  Yagenbori Nakajima Shoten was established in 1625 near the Yagen Canal in Edo (today the Higashi-Nihonbashi district of Tokyo). Taking a hint from Chinese medicine, sesame seed, Japanese sansho pepper, dried orange peel and other spices were combined with hot pepper to create Shichimi Togarashi […]

  • Yamamoto Nori Ten

    Address :1-6-3 Nihonbashi muromachi , Chuo-ku, Tokyo Phone :03 3241 0261 URL:  Our shop was established in 1849 as a distributor specializing in nori seaweed. Nori is a natural food that grows in the ocean in winter. After harvesting, it is dried in thin sheets for use with sushi, rice balls, soba noodles and many […]

  • Eitaro Confectionery Co.Ltd.(Japanese Style Confectionery)

    Address :1-2-5 Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo Phone :(Toll-Free)0120 284806 URL: Eitaro Confectionery was established in 1857 at the very end of the Edo Period in the Nihonbashi District of Tokyo. At that time Nihonbashi was pretty much the political and economic center of Japan, a busy, bustling place, and the site of a large fish […]

  • Chin-ya

    Address :1-3-4 Asakusa,Taito-ku, Tokyo Phone :03 3841 0010 URL: Founded in 1880, Chin-ya is a sukiyaki restaurant located just 50 meters from the Kaminarimon, one of Asakusa’s most famous landmarks. As a result of the influence from Western cultures starting in the second half of the nineteenth century, consumption of beef became acceptable in Japan. […]

  • 両国橋鳥安

    住所:東京都中央区東日本橋2-11-7 電話:03-3862-4008(代) URL:  当店は明治5年(1872)に創業し、100年以上たった今も、昔と変わらぬ味と風情を残した合鴨のすきやきコースだけのお店です。 合鴨の肉はくせがなく、どなたでも召し上がりやすい料理です。創業以来、炭火(備長炭)に鉄鍋をかけ、合鴨の胸肉を皮付きのまま分厚く切ってジイジイと焼き、おろし醤油でお召し上がりいただいています。これが、当店の看板料理です。 2005年に店をリニューアルして、椅子席や堀ごたつ式テーブルを置いた座敷もございます。皆さまのご来店をお待ちしております。 <道順> JR浅草橋又は馬喰町・都営地下鉄東日本橋でそれぞれ下車